Site pictogram Larissa den Enting


Aren’t you sick and tired of this shit?
Sick and tired of the self loathing? 
Done with the bad self image?

Sick and tired of feeling insecure? Not good enough? Not pretty enough? Not happy enough? Not healthy enough? Not smart enough? Not sucesful enough? Not worthy enough? Not deserving enough?

Aren’t you just totally DONE with the way you love and accept yourself at this very moment???
Wait. What?!
“But I don’t love myself. And accpeting myself? What does that even mean?”
I hear you!
Accepting yourself and every bit of who you are, and then actually loving yourself. That might sound like something that is just not for you. As if you feel like life is just always a struggle, and perhaps you don’t even deserve to live a happy and fulfilling life.
And meanwhile you look at these other men and women around you. Being happy. Totally accpeting themselves. Loving themself. Being proud of who they are. No insecurities. Just radiating self love. And to be honest, how does it seem that life seems to be working out so good for them too?! That’s not fair!
But it is!
I know, the truth sounds harsh and unfair. But this is how manifestation also works. This is the Law of Attraction at work here.
It all starts from the inside out. Feeling good about yourself, accepting yourself, loving yourself. It results in you acting differently. Behaving differently. Treating yourself differently. Being kinder to yourself, taking better care of yourself. And it even goes so far that you’ll talk differently. To yourself obviously, but also to others. Your energy or vibration has shifted.
And that? That’s the start to create a different life. A life in which YOU feel better and more positve, and therefore attract more positivity into your life.
Energy attracts like energy.
And simple as that, you can’t expect to not like yourself (= negative energy) but simlutanously attract good things in your life (= positive energy). What you focus on grows, but it does come from inside of you.
So I ask you: What is it worth to YOU to start changing your life? To feel better about yourself? To create a loving and lasting relationship with yourself? To accept every aspect of yourself? All quirks, all crazy parts, all fun and caring parts? All of it! What would it mean to you if you were to feel THAT good about yourself?

Join my new course “IT ALL STARTS WITH SELF LOVE!”.

A transformational 4 week training, during which we’ll be diving deep into what’s holding you back from building a loving and caring relationship with yourself. Accepting yourself; past, present and future.
During these 4 weeks you learn new skills that help you access parts of yourself that you thought were hidden from you. All to heal the wounded inner you. Your subconscious knows exactly where these parts are hidden and what it needs to be healed. All so that you can move forward and past, to a newer level of BEING.
It’s a program that i’ve designed FOR YOU, all to get you inspired and motivated to turn things around. It will show you how to get rid of that screaming voice inside of you that keeps pulling you down. That stops you from fully loving the person who you TRULY are.  These training gives you a kick-start into creating your dream life where you finally believe in yourself and know thet you are worth it. Because let’s get real here:

What’s included:

 Daily journaling prompts and exercises
 Weekly live video trainings
  One live past life regression
Live meditation training
  Live quantum healing session

AND…. There’s going to be so much more! I already know some really cool extra things that I will be adding to the training, because I just KNOW that you will like it too. It’s all about a complete mind, body and soul make-over, and it’s going to be amazing.

Your investment:

This is a lifechanging course. You learn techniques that you will want to keep applying for the rest of your life. But I also want to make it as affordable as possible, to make it as accessible as possible.

That’s why his investment in yourself is only 239USD for this 4 week deep dive. Pretty damn good, right?!

Heard enough? You just know you need to be in? Then let’s do this! LEAVE A COMMENT and I’ll send you all details.


Stop! Wait up… Why not add some cool bonusses too, right?

If you join now, here’s some amazing bonuses you get. FOR FREE! 

 My new and special Relaxation Meditation
(normal value $20 USD)
In this meditation, I’m taking you into a higher state of mind that will leave you feeling relaxed, energized, and focussed on creating your dream life.

 Free distant Reiki session
(normal value $99 USD)
Reiki helps you to feel better on an energetic level, as it disolves energy blocks and promotes balance between mind, body and spirit. In additin, ot creates deep relaxation and helps the body to release stress and tension. It improves focus, and accelerates the body’s own ablity to heal itself.

 My “Get rid of negative emotions quikly” technique
I’ll show you exactly what I do to release any negative feelings that do not serve me. This technique is super simple, and highly effective.

 Whaaah! That’s a lot! 

That’s more than $100 USD that you’re getting for free. On top of this amazing course “IT ALL STARTS WITH SELF LOVE!”

So are you ready to change your life and the way you look at yourself? Let me know, so that we can have some fun while YOU fall in love with yourself!



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